January 26, 2013

Happy New Year...a month ago...

So I realize I've been a horrible blogger...I think my last post was my rant about Thanksgiving needing its turn before Christmas took over the world. Obviously our lives are so super exciting that SOO much has happened since then...(sarcasm intended) We had Thanksgiving with my family. Tyler finished up yet another semester of school. We had Christmas where we visited our families over two days. It was great. We started school again. Both of us! It's nice being back...I actually missed school a little. That a sentence I never thought I would say. After this semester I only have a year left! Woot woot!! Can't wait! But that also means we have to decide what we're doing with our lives. I know what I want to do after graduation and I have a plan of action...I just have to convince Tyler to jump on board with me. By the time we graduate we'll be married nearly 3 years (super crazy! it still feels like we just got hitched yesterday!) I think it's time to move on to the next stage of life. We need some little Tylers and Katies running around. Not gonna lie...I'm a little baby crazy. Tyler laughs at me while he's not-so-secretly freaking out inside. When we go to any stores that have a baby section we either avoid it like the plague or he grabs me and forces me to keep walking so I don't wander in there and start looking at stuff making me want a baby even more... I'm sorry Tyler...I can't help it. It doesn't help that we're getting 3 nieces/nephews this year. One in March (probably Feb...my sister-in-law likes to deliver early), another in July (I'm hoping for any day other than the 17th...I already share my birthday with too many people, but whatever), and the last one in August. I'm super excited for all three I love nieces and nephews even though we don't get to see them much where we're usually busy with school and work all the time. Stupid having to pay for things now plus getting an education so we can pay for things in the future. ;) Such is life I suppose.

On another note...we're kind of getting tired of Logan...just a little. This winter hasn't helped at all. As much as I LOVE negative temps for weeks at a time and celebrating when it finally does reach 15 degrees... We miss being able to hang out with our Ogden/Bountiful/Centerville friends without planning for it weeks in advance. We have a friend that just had a baby right after Christmas (gah another baby! See why I'm going crazy!) and we haven't been able to see him yet except for pictures on FB. We really want to visit. Plus I haven't held a baby-baby since my niece was born a month after we got married and I certainly wasn't baby hungry then. Maybe seeing a newborn isn't such a good idea...whatever, I'm 24 years old and not getting any younger! (every time I say that I think Scrubs when JD tells Elliot "You're closer to 40 than 30..." "JD I'm 29!" so funny! Love that show!)
Oh right I was talking about how Logan is wearing on us...sorry tangent there. Another reason...there is NOTHING in Logan. We went to the mall the other day to find Tyler and I new coats and Tyler some new shoes (he is super hard on shoes!) there was nothing good! We went to every store we could think of and they either didn't have a style we liked or didn't have our size. I finally just went online and found one but Tyler still wearing his old coat that is falling apart and his old shoes that leak water...

Anyway this post is slightly random and really has no point at all...this is just what's been happening in our lives lately. Enjoy! :)

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