July 13, 2012

Followers...I need your help. :)

Alright friends (like 4 of you that read this) I need your help.

Tyler and I have decided that we are getting chunky and we don't like it. SO we are going to do something about it. I've been trying for months to get a solid routine down so I can get back to my pre-marriage weight, but I'll do great for about a week (if that) and then I quickly lose what little motivation I had and stop. I think a lot of my problems stem from the fact that I've never had to work to stay skinny...I just always was, so now that I'm not I don't know what to do to get back to what I was. Now I'm not saying that I'm so overweight that I'm going to drop dead of a heart attack at any moment, I'm just heavier than I would like to be. That's fair right? :) Anyway, I'm posting this so that now you guys know and maybe that will be my motivation to keep things going because more people know than just me and Tyler.

Let's go back a few years (OK...it's like 6, whatever). This is me my Senior Year of High School at a fabulous 105-ish pounds.

Yes it's a dance pic...that was my life then. :) Don't I look good? ;) OK enough...moving on.

Next life event. This is one of mine and Tyler's engagement photos...about 5 years after the above photo.

Here I'm probably around 110-ish, maybe 115. (Like I said I've never had weight issues so I never weighed myself.)

Ok now we come to the depressing photo of me now...ugh. I'm kinda nervous posting these in such a public place...but it must be done. :) Alright...here we go...please still be my friend...

Please ignore my dirty bathroom... :)
This is me today. (I literally took this like 10 minutes ago) I'm approximately 145 lbs! Pretty gross right!

So in a little over a year since the engagement photos I've somehow put on about 30-35 lbs! This is the HEAVIEST I have been in my ENTIRE LIFE! I'm disappointed in myself for letting it happen, really... I can blame birth control somewhat cuz it does crazy things to you and makes gaining weight easier and losing it harder, BUT that's not the entire reason. I know I don't eat as healthy as I probably should and I don't exercise like I used to. (Seriously...my Senior Year of high school I was at the dance studio for a total of 11 hours a week, and that doesn't include competitions, performances, dress rehearsals, or the dance classes I was taking at school at the time either. That's strictly DANCE CLASS and that's it. That's a lot!) 

To help keep me motivated (hopefully) I've come up with a goal... I have a super cute pair of jeans that are a size 3/4 that I bought myself about 2 or 3 years ago. When I go back to school in January those are the jeans I want to wear on the first day! Plus I have some skinny jeans that I want to wear again too.

That would be about 30-35 pounds in about 6 months. Think I can do it?

Please, please, PLEASE leave comments if you have any suggestions or ideas for me and Tyler to keep at this.


  1. I am the same way! (Well I have an excuse for my current weight gain) I never ever had to worry about my weight, I was never over 120. Then I got married and working at America First sitting on my butt the whole time snacking! I started gaining weight, and tried to lose it. I never keep the motivation though. I do think making it public helps. Talk about it and ask someone to ask you every week or so if you worked out or not so you stay accountable.

  2. I am so not the one to give advice on losing weight though when I graduated from High School I weighed about 155-160lbs yeah, gross! but within my first year of college, without trying, I dropped down to 125 losing about 35lbs and I've kept most of it off since. It just happened. The only thing I can say to explain it is that my diet 'completely' changed after I left home (which i probably believe is the biggest factor). I also did a whole ton of 'hard' walking for the marching band and I walked up and down from the Island to campus like twice a day. Matt tells me that losing weight is not rocket science. Its just burning more calories than you take in. So yeah, that's my two cents. Good Luck!! :) and honestly, if you ask me, its absolutely nothing to be ashamed over but I can definitely say it was nice to lose the weight. :)

  3. I hear ya, Katie! Since getting married, I have gained a little too. I started using myfitnesspal.com a couple weeks ago. It is a calorie counter where you can track what you eat and how much you exercise. It really helps me be more aware of what I am eating, and how good (or bad) it is for me. It is at least some accountability! :)

  4. Tyanna I signed up for it too. I'm just not very good at using it all the time. :S It's hard remembering everything that I eat in a day...especially with that blasted Treat Drawer at work...need to stay out of that thing! :) Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
