January 8, 2012

Happy Sunday!

So today January 8, 2012 marked a momentous occasion in the Shumway home. Are you ready for this? We actually ate dinner at our kitchen table!!! Can you believe it!? We've had a table in our kitchen since we got married...but we only had one chair so we never eat at it. For Christmas my parents gave us a card table and folding chairs so we used one of those for the kitchen table (kinda ghetto I know but we're poor, and the table isn't really even ours, it's on loan from a friend's sibling.) It's just a little round table anyway so it's not like we can eat banquets on it but still it was nice to actually eat at a table instead of on the couch in the living room or on the living room floor (Tyler's preferred spot).

For this special event we tried out a new recipe that I found on my new favorite website Pinterest. It was Parmesan Honey Pork Roast. It sounds odd...parmesan cheese and honey? Really? But it was really tasty, and bonus it makes it's own gravy to serve over potatoes! (I have the recipe if you want it, I'll share it's really easy and goes in the crock pot) Tyler also made some delicious carrots to go with it, which for me to say that carrots are delicious means they are like epically delicious, I'm not usually a fan of carrots. I took a couple pictures cuz I was excited. Here they are!

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