May 12, 2011

You'd think I was getting married or something...

We're down to a WEEK! That's right 7 days! One week from today I will be Mrs Katie Shumway! =D So excited! Can't wait.

 It's going to be a great day! An exciting week is ahead of me. First up temple tomorrow! :) Good times. Life is so super wonderful!

May 2, 2011


I thought this week would never come. This semester has been one of the longest of my life. (I woner why that is? It's not like I'm getting married at the end of it or anything...) I'm now to the point that I don't even really care anymore, I just want to be done and have a nice long break. Unfortunately I still have 3 finals to take. First up will be Stats tomorrow...if the rest of the tests in this class have been an indicator of how this one will go...FAIL! At least I'll get it out of the way first, right? I've been trying to study for it so I can attempt to do well, but like I said, zero motivation. Next is Business English at 7:30 Wednesday morning! This one will be easy. My lowest test score in that class is like 88% or something like that. Easy peasey. I probably won't study much for that one, I haven't studied for any other test either, it's my easy A class for the semester. ;) Last but not least is Accounting (*grumble*) I struggle with this class. It's easy when the teacher explains it and I get it while I'm in class but by the time I get home and try to remember things and do the homework on my own I forget everything and end up missing something and doing it wrong. It's very frustrating. Thankfully this is the last accounting class I will ever have to take (YES!!!) Hopefully with some solid studying I can do well enough to pull a C. That would be great! Ooh then there's my Econ class, this one makes me happy! Final = optional. It was going to be mandatory until about the beginning of April and then my professor held it to a vote to make the final optional. Of course we're going to vote that way. Finals are terrible! Ok it is open book/open note so it would be a piece of cake anyway but I decided that if I had at least a B- when he finalized grades then I wasn't going to worry about the final and focus on doing well on the others (especially Stats and Accounting) and I'm getting a B. Yay! So that's one less final I have to take this week. Great news!

On another note, Tyler and I got the keys to our apartment yesterday! It was super exciting! We have a home! I can't wait to start moving stuff in there and get settled. There are a few things we'll need to clean a bit but that's ok. I'm so excited to start a new life with Tyler in a couple weeks. I love him so much, he's the best guy ever!